Location : Malacampa,Camiling  Province Tarlac,Phillipines
Estbalished :1945
President : Dr.Max P.Guillermo
My Placed :Campus of  Education  (Education Department)

History : TCA derives its legal mandate as an autonomous state agricultural college from Presidential Decree (PD) 609 dated December 18, 1974 which officially terminated its merger with the Tarlac College of Technology, now Tarlac State University (TSU). As highlighted in PD 609, TCA is mandated to undertake instruction, research and extension including production programs in agriculture, agricultural engineering, veterinary science, forestry and natural resources management in Central Luzon(Wikipedia)

Name of School Teaching : Laboratory School TAU
Location : TAU 
President : 


GOVERNOR: Nadine A. Rarugal
VICE GOVERNOR: Clyde Franz P. Claudio
RECORDS: Hana Nicole P. Tejada
FINANCE: Jean Lemuelle R. Bagay
AUDIT: Jenbi Iana L. Dela Vega
PUBLIC INFORMATION: Justin Darryle R. Bagay
WAYS AND MEANS: John Emerson B. Doña

  • - Classroom-based strategies: Teachers continually monitor student performance and learning needs, and then adjust what they teach or how they teach to improve student learning. and giving some assignment for improving skills of students in learning the topic that have been teached.
  • - School-based strategies: Schools create academic-support opportunities during the school day, such as learninglab,food lab,and all facilities that can help students to improving what have their learn.
  • - After-hours strategies: Schools may provide after-school or before-school programs, usually within the school building, that provide students with tutoring or mentoring, or that help students prepare for class or acquire study skills.
  • - Outside-of-school strategies: Community groups and volunteer-based learning programs, often working in partnership with local public schools, may provide a variety of programs, such as reading programs for young children, that are connected to what students are learning in school.
  • - Technology-assisted strategies: Schools may use digital and  they may be provided during the school day or they may allow students to work from home at their own pace.
  • - Relationship-based support: In schools, strategies such as teaming or advisories may be used to build stronger and more understanding relationships between teachers and students. The general idea is that students will be better served and more effectively taught if teachers know students well and understand their distinct learning needs, interests, and aspirations.
  • - Skill-based support: In some cases, schools may decide to create a literacy program, for example, that provides all students with more concentrated instruction, practice, and guidance in reading, writing, and communicating. The support may be provided during regular classes, during the school day, or after regular school hours. Support that focuses on math skills or technological literacy are two other common examples.

System of Phillipines is 6 years for Elementary School,4 years for Junior High School and 2 years for Senior High School. 

The curriculum is prescribed for both private and state schools. Core subjects are as follows:
  • Year 1 - Filipino 1, Algebra 1, Integrated Science, English 1, Phillipine History
  • Year 2 - Filipino 2, Algebra 2, Biology, English 2, Asian History
  • Year 3 - Filipino 3, Geometry, Chemistry, World History, Geography
  • Year 4 - Filipino 4, Calculus, Trigonometry, Physics, Literature, Economics (
I am teaching for Junior High School Grade 10.
ForTeaching system I have 1 hour for teaching in one subject. I teach in Science and it just for 1 hour in day.


1.      Resources
Books, TV, Colour paper,chalk,chalkboard
2.      Methodology
Demonstration , lecture and games


   Curiculum that have been using is K-12 Of Phillipines.

Science education aims to develop scientific literacy among students that will prepare them to be informed and participative citizens who are able to
make judgments and decisions regarding applications of scientific knowledge that may have social, health, or environmental impacts.
The science curriculum recognizes the place of science and technology in everyday human affairs. It integrates science and technology in the civic,
personal, social, economic, and the values and ethical aspects of life. The science curriculum promotes a strong link between science and technology,
including indigenous technology, keeping our country’s cultural uniqueness and peculiarities intact.
Whether or not students pursue careers that involve science and technology, the K to 12 science curriculum will provide students with a repertoire of
competencies important in the world of work and in a knowledge-based society. The K to 12 science curriculum envisions the development of scientifically,
technologically, and environmentally literate and productive members of society who manifest skills as critical problem solvers, responsible stewards of nature,
innovative and creative citizens, informed decision makers, and effective communicators. This curriculum is designed around the three domains of learning
science: understanding and applying scientific knowledge in local setting as well as global, context whenever possible, performing scientific processes and
skills, and developing and demonstrating scientific attitudes and values. The acquisition of these domains is facilitated using the following approaches:
multi/interdisciplinary approach, science–technology society approach, contextual learning, problem/issue-based learning, and inquiry-based approach. The
approaches are based on sound educational pedagogy namely: constructivism, social cognition learning model, learning style theory, and Gestalt psychology.
Science content and science processes are intertwined in the K to 12 curriculum. Without the content, learners will have difficulty utilizing science
process skills since these processes are best learned in context. Organizing the curriculum around situations and problems that challenge and arouse
students’ curiosity motivates them to learn and appreciate science as relevant and useful. Rather than relying solely on textbooks, varied hands-on, minds-on,
and hearts-on activities will be used to develop students’ interest and let them become active learners.
As a whole, the K to 12 science curriculum is learner-centered and inquiry-based, emphasizing the use of evidence in constructing explanations.
Concepts and skills in Life Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences are presented with increasing levels of complexity from one grade level to
another (spiral progression), thus paving the way to deeper understanding of a few concepts. These concepts and skills are integrated rather than disciplinebased,
stressing the connections across science topics and other disciplines as well as applications of concepts and thinking skills to real life.



Republic Of Philippines
College Of Education – Laboratory School

Change to survive

Submitted by :
Aisha Azalia
Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Student Teacher

Submitted to :
Ms. Elaine Faye Escueta
Coordinating Teacher

Lesson Plan in Science (Grade 10)
January 16, 2018
A.    Lesson Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to :

1. Explain diversity of species ;
2. Explain the theory of natural selection, how natural selection a can result in speciation and extinction  ; and
3. Communicate an explanation about the theory of evolution using evidences from multiple sources.

B.     Learning Content
1.      Topic
2.      Resources
Books, TV, Video demonstration,chalk,chalkboard
3.      Methodology
Brainstorming, Demonstration and lecture
4.      Concepts
a. Evolution
b. Diversity
c. Divergence
d. Adaptation
e. Fossils
f. Mechanism of Evaluation
5.      Skills
Analyze and Understand the Evaluation of organism
6.      Value
Know what evolution is,the theory and also the mechanism of Evolution
7.      References
Mixploring Science 10 Textbook,2019

C.    Learning Procedure
1.      Apperception/ Review and Motivation :

The teacher will be given some question like
a.       What is evolution ?
b.      What is the example of Genetic Variation ?
c.       What is homo sapiens?

2.      Lesson Proper :
·         Begin the lesson Ask students about their openion of
“Do you believe in the the theory saying that we, humans are from monkeys?”
After get all the answer, ask students to review and develop evolution  for something to be considered a theory.
·         Teacher show and explain a video and also power point about evolution and mechanism of evolution
·         Teacher help students who cant understand what video or what at power point that cant be understand by students
·         Students answer all the questions that teacher has given
·         Students discuss about their genetic variation with each others

3.      Generalization
Summarize the whole topic and small or short game.

D.    Learning Evaluation

1.      What is evolution?
4.      What is a species?

E.     Assignment
Advanced reading about lamarck’s theory of evolution.


Republic Of Philippines
College Of Education – Laboratory School

Change to survive

Submitted by :
Aisha Azalia
Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Student Teacher

Submitted to :
Ms. Elaine Faye Escueta
Coordinating Teacher

Lesson Plan in Science (Grade 10)
January 16, 2018
A.    Lesson Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students should be able to :

1. Explain diversity of species ;
2. Explain the theory of natural selection, how natural selection a can result in speciation and extinction  ; and
3. Communicate an explanation about the theory of evolution using evidences from multiple sources.

B.     Learning Content
1.      Topic
2.      Resources
Books, TV, Video demonstration,chalk,chalkboard
3.      Methodology
Brainstorming, Demonstration and lecture
4.      Concepts
a. Evolution
b. Diversity
c. Divergence
d. Adaptation
e. Fossils
f. Mechanism of Evaluation
5.      Skills
Analyze and Understand the Evaluation of organism
6.      Value
Know what evolution is,the theory and also the mechanism of Evolution
7.      References
Mixploring Science 10 Textbook,2019

C.    Learning Procedure
1.      Apperception/ Review and Motivation :

The teacher will be given some question like
a.       What is evolution ?
b.      What is the example of Genetic Variation ?
c.       What is homo sapiens?

2.      Lesson Proper :
·         Begin the lesson Ask students about their openion of
“Do you believe in the the theory saying that we, humans are from monkeys?”
After get all the answer, ask students to review and develop evolution  for something to be considered a theory.
·         Teacher show and explain a video and also power point about evolution and mechanism of evolution
·         Teacher help students who cant understand what video or what at power point that cant be understand by students
·         Students answer all the questions that teacher has given
·         Students discuss about their genetic variation with each others

3.      Generalization
Summarize the whole topic and small or short game.

D.    Learning Evaluation

1.      What is evolution?
4.      What is a species?

E.     Assignment
Advanced reading about lamarck’s theory of evolution.


A.    Identity
School Unit                :  Laboratory School of Tarlac Agluculture University
Grade                          : X (ten)
Subject                        : Science
Chapter                      : 8
Material                      : Evolution
Time Allocation          : 1 x 60 minutes

B.     Standard Competency
1.  Appreciate and  live the religious teachings and their embraces.
2.  Show Honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual assistance) well mannered, confident, confident in interacting effectively with the social enviroment and natural enviroment within the reach of society and its existence.
3. Understand and observe knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on their curiosity about science, technology, art, culture-related phenomena and eye catching events.
4. Trying, Processing, and serving in a concerete realm (using, parse, stringing, modifiying, and creating) and abstarct realm (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) in accordance with those studied in schools and other similar sources in point of view/theory

C.    Basic Competency and Indicators
Basic Competency
Demonsrate what the meaning, a reason, the theory, mekanism, and speciation of Evolution of organism
1. Explains Diversity of species
2. Explains the theory of natural selection, how natural selection and can result in speciation and extinction 
3. Communicate an explanation about the theory of evolution using evidence from multiple sources.

D.    The Purpose Of Lesson
1. Students can explains Diversity of species
2. Students can explains the theory of natural selection, how natural selection and can result in speciation and extinction 
3. Students can communicate an explanation about the theory of evolution using evidence from multiple sources.

E.     Teaching Materials
a. Evolution
b. Diversity
c. Divergence
d. Adaptation
e. Fossils
f. Mechanism of Evaluation

F.     Teaching Prosess
Scientific approach
Learning Activities

·         The teacher gives greetings and asks the students how their days and checks the readliness of the students in the following lesson
·         Students prepare and pray according to their beliefs
·         The teacher checks for student attendance
·         Students are instructed to gather according to the group
5 Minutes
Main Activy

·         Begin the lesson by writing the sentences
“Are they are belive the theory of human who are from monkey?” on the board of projected on TV, After get all the answer, ask students to review and develop evolution  for something to be considered a theory.
·         Teacher show and explain a video and also power point about evolution and mekanism evolution
·         Teacher guided the question based on video :
a.       What is your opinion about the video ?
b.      What the conclude of the video?
·         Teacher help students who cant understand what video or what at power point that cant be understanded by students
·         Students answering the question all question that teacher given
·         Students discuss about their genetic variation each others

50 Minutes
Closing Activity

·         Teacher asks students what can be concluded from the lesson
·         Students give their conclusion
·         The teacher closes the lesson and explain the upcoming lesson
·         Students praying accourding their beliefs
5 Minutes

G.    Media and Learning sources
Media              : presentation (PPT), Brainstorming, and TV
Learning          : Practical science book for grade 10,PDF Documents and Internet

H.    Type Of Assignment
Paper and pencil test on the group

I.       Form of Testing Instrument
Filling blanks and performances assasment

Observation Sheet

Name: _____________________________________
Maximum Score
Clearness of the presentation and explanation

Ability to give an argument on the ideas

Accurancy of an idea

Flexibility in adopting the new information

Understanding of Concepts


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